Bedtime Romance manga suggestions?

Well I’m gonna read them on the bed so nothing too dramatic , my last manga was Nazo no Kanojo X , so you get the Idea romance+slice of life is what I’m looking for :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I haven’t read that one, but these might or might not help
Kami Sen - local shrine god and a boy living in the shrine
Evergreen - manga club president lusting after a swim club star LOL :smiley:
Bonnouji - recently dumped girl meets a neighbor with a cluttered room
Yasashii Sekai no Tsukurikata - a guy gets a teachers job where his predecessor was kicked out for sexual harassment
Bocchi na Bokura no Renai - being only none-couple in the class

Happy reading :slight_smile:

Omg thanks :slight_smile: I’m currently reading “horimiya” but I will them out, sounds like the stuff I wanna read.

glad to be of help :slight_smile: